Shipeasy Introduction


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What is Shipeasy?

This is a shipping calculator that helps to calculate rates based on advanced shipping rules.

Why Shipeasy?

With over 30 parameters, this app assists companies that offer drop shipping in calculating item- and origin-based charges.

Shipeasy can be utilized for a range of customization by applying different scenarios. You can use this app for the following purposes.

  • Flexible shipping rates based on all cart and product parameters.
  • Tailored shipping rules by customer, supplier, country, dimensions, and carrier.
  • Rate blending for customizable combination of rates from diverse rule sets.
  • Prevent losses with rate calculations using zip code, postal code, and distance.
  • Combine shipping rates or use the highest shipping rate.
  • Customer-specific rates. Example: Wholesale customers, frequent buyers, long-time value customers.

    Schedule a call with us for a demo and free setup assistance by navigating to the settings page in Shipeasy.

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