How can I customise my Shipping rates using DHL?

Prakash Logbase

Last Update 9 maanden geleden

To use DHL in Shipeasy, you must have,

  • DHL production API key
  • Secret key
  • An account number

Please follow the below steps to obtain all these credentials.

To get the account number,

1. Click here to visit the DHL portal. Register your business by giving the necessary information to create a new account.

2. Once you have created an account, login with your Email id and password.

3. Now, navigate to "My shipment settings."

4. Your 9-digit account number can be found in the "Export shipments" section.

To get the production key and secret key,

1. Click here to visit the DHL developer portal. Register using your credentials.

2. Once you have registered in the developer portal, login and complete the onboarding form by clicking this link.

3. Upon form completion, you'll receive test credentials via email from DHL.

4. Return to your DHL developer portal profile to view the status of your created "App" and ensure it's approved.

5. Within the Apps page, click on "Request production access".

6. After approval, you'll receive the production API key and secret key via email from the DHL team.

7. The actual steps may vary and if you face any difficulties, you can contact the DHL support team for any assistance to obtain these credentials.

Once you have obtained all these credentials, please go inside the shipping rate page of our app where you can enter and validate your credentials and start using it.

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